The Cat’s Eye is a sacred stone that is known to be one of the most powerful stones on earth. It is said that it brings good fortune and prosperity. It is also said that the wearer of this stone will be able to see their own intuition and spiritual powers. It is said that if you are wearing the Cat’s Eye, your own intuition will guide you in your life.

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Benefits of wearing Cat's Eye:
The Cat's Eye Gemstone is known to reduce the malefic effects of "Ketu" and increase its beneficial qualities. This gemstone has gained popularity not only due to its mystical appearance but also because of its mysterious healing power. Ketu denotes grandfather, leprosy, injury, accident, fortune, luck, fire, and fear complex.

The Cat's Eye is known to bring luck and trigger the wearer's intuitive and spiritual powers. It heals emotional wounds and stimulates creativity. Cat's eyes are extremely hot in nature; Planet Ketu also does not have physical existence. It primarily resides in retrograde positions and is expected to bequeath unexpected and sudden results for its wearer.

People who are working in a creative field should wear this impressive stone. Creative persons like directors, actors, music directors, painters, cameramen, and dancers should wear this stone to gain respect and popularity in their respective fields. There are types of cat's eye available in the market. that alexandrite cat's eye is considered brilliant, and Chrysoberyl also looks good. But Shastra Recommends wearing a stone that is nearly transparent or transparent.

Characteristics and Gemological information :
The chemical formula of Cat’s Eye is Beryllium Aluminum Oxide (Al2(BeO4). The refractive index range is between 1.744- 1.755. The hardness on the Mohs scale is 8.5. The density of Cat’s Eye is 3.70- 3.72.

Cymophane is a gemstone found in many colors including yellow, orange, red, green, blue, and brown. It is also called "cat's eye" because it resembles the iris of a cat's eye. This gemstone has been used for thousands of years to make jewelry and accessories. It has also been used to create gemstones that are known as "cat's eye" in jewelry and precious stones.

More Information:
Cat’s Eye is also known as Fire Opal. It has many uses and is a wonderful gemstone to have in your jewelry collection. The first thing you want to know about this gemstone is that it is rare, so don’t expect to find it at your local jeweler. If you do happen to find one, you will want to have it appraised by a professional gemologist. This gemstone can be found in a variety of colors including pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black. You can buy this gemstone in small pieces or large ones

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