Pushyarka Gemstones | Pushyarkagems https://pushyarkagems.com Pushyarka gems Sun, 18 Jun 2023 12:21:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://i0.wp.com/pushyarkagems.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Pushyarka-Thumbnail.png?fit=28%2C32&ssl=1 Pushyarka Gemstones | Pushyarkagems https://pushyarkagems.com 32 32 204102460 CATS EYE https://pushyarkagems.com/product/cats-eye/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/cats-eye/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:57:33 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101680
https://pushyarkagems.com/product/cats-eye/feed/ 0 101680
HESSIONATE https://pushyarkagems.com/product/hessionate-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/hessionate-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:56:01 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101679


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Hessonite is a semi-precious stone that is considered to be a blessing from the planet Rahu. The stone is associated with a person who is healthy, wealthy, and successful in life. It is a powerful healing stone, which can cure various conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and high blood pressure. It can also balance your emotions and bring peace to troubled minds. Hessonite can bring you luck and prosperity in your career. If you are looking for a stone to protect you, then this is a great choice.

Benefits of wearing Hessonite:
The Rahu planet is associated with the honey-colored, semiprecious gemstone known as Hessonite. Wearing Hessonite was said to provide the person with excellent health and offer opportunities for success thanks to its mystical properties. It is a beautiful gemstone for accelerating the achievement of professional goals, boosting business, and achieving success quickly.

According to chemists, Hessonite is just a calcium-aluminum silicate, which explains its brownish-yellow and honey color. The most common color for Hessonites is honey brown, although they may also be found in green, red, and blue.

Cinnamon stone, gomed, and Hessonite are just a few of the numerous names for this gemstone. Rahu, the so-called "spirituality-induced planet," is most closely associated with it. Therefore, the stone has the same beneficial effects on health and prosperity as Rahu.

Characteristics and Gemological information :
Hessonite is a member of the garnet mineral group. It's also known as "Ruby Red". A member of the Garnet mineral group, its surface hardness is seven mohs, and its refractive index measures 1.728. It has the potential to cure the weather via its metaphysical characteristics. Furthermore, astrological ideas and ornamental looks play a prominent role in astrology.

More Information:
Hessonite is a mineral that has been used in gemology for thousands of years. The Chinese believe that Hessonite can cure the weather. This stone also has the ability to attract prosperity, and protect against evil spirits. It is a great stone for enhancing your intuition.

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/hessionate-2/feed/ 0 101679
YELLOW SAPPHIRE https://pushyarkagems.com/product/yellow-sapphire-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/yellow-sapphire-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:54:33 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101678


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Yellow Sapphire is a stone of wealth, power, protection, strength, and courage. It is associated with the Sun and Jupiter and brings happiness, joy, and prosperity. It is also said to protect the wearer and provide longevity.

Benefits of wearing Yellow Sapphire :
Yellow Sapphire, or Kanakapushyaragam, is a gemstone ruled by planet Jupiter and considered a beneficial and auspicious planet. Yellow sapphire gives the wearer good health, wisdom, property, longevity, name, and fame. It protects from evil spirits, so yellow sapphire bestows all of the benefits. As mentioned earlier, human beings enthusiastically wear this gemstone.
This gemstone is mainly beneficial for women as Jupiter is a significant planet for women's marital life. It helps to get married early and increases love in a broken marriage. It is one of the best Gemstones, especially during academic life. Students wearing Astrology grade Quality Yellow Sapphires do well in their studies.
You can notice that celebrities and successful people in India wear this gemstone commonly. Suppose you are facing financial problems or loss in your business. In that case, you must wear yellow sapphire, and you need to take an experienced astrologer's opinion before wearing yellow sapphire.
In case in your horoscope, Jupiter is playing a malefic role that can also harm instead of giving you beneficial results. Ayurveda uses Yellow Sapphire as a tonic. It improves digestion, strengthens the heart, and brings about an increase in intelligence.
Characteristics and Gemological information :
Yellow Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminum oxide (α-Al 2O 3). Vedic astrology has considered the golden yellow color sapphire is the best among the yellow sapphires. The name itself in Sanskrit says Kanaka Pushyaraga ( kanaka means Gold).
Sapphires are mined from alluvial deposits or primary underground workings. Yellow Sapphires from different geographic locations may have other appearances or chemical-impurity concentrations and tend to contain different types of microscopic inclusions.
Because of this, sapphires can be divided into three broad categories: classic metamorphic, non-classic metamorphic or magmatic, and classic magmatic. Geographically sapphires from Srilanka are radiant compared to other mines.
Refractive Index : 1.768-1.772
Hardness : 9 on Moh’s scale
Specific gravity : 4.0~4.1
More Information:
Wearing treated gemstones is forbidden in Vedic astrology. 95% of the sapphires in the world were heated to improve their natural color and brilliance. This is accomplished by heating the sapphires in furnaces for several hours at temperatures ranging from 500 to 1,800 °C (932 to 3,272 °F) or heating them in a nitrogen-deficient environment oven for seven days or more. When high temperatures are employed, the stone loses all silk (inclusions) and becomes transparent, as well as the possibility of losing the elemental chemical makeup of the gemstone.
https://pushyarkagems.com/product/yellow-sapphire-2/feed/ 0 101678
CORAL https://pushyarkagems.com/product/coral-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/coral-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:53:22 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101677 Mars is a planet that is considered to be quite powerful in the horoscope chart. Red coral is believed to boost one’s courage and strength. Hence, wearing red coral would greatly boost your confidence and show off your power.



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Mars is a planet that is considered to be quite powerful in the horoscope chart. Red coral is believed to boost one’s courage and strength. Hence, wearing red coral would greatly boost your confidence and show off your power.

Category: Tag:

Benefits of wearing Coral :

Coral is an organic gemstone ruled by the planet mars and used as an astrological remedy in Vedic Astrology. Mars is considered to be the royal warrior who is best with courage and confidence.

People with strong Mars tend to be adept at physical activities and labor-extensive jobs. Hence, wearing red coral is believed to enhance trust and give immense courage to the wearer to come out of messy or miserable circumstances quickly. Therefore, if a person is surrounded by many problems such as enemies, debts, diseases, and many other issues., red coral can provide them the courage to fight against them and come out from the situation.

Red Coral Strengthens the blood and reproductive system, improves energy, and calms emotion. Red Coral is an aphrodisiac, particularly for males, that builds flesh and muscle, gives courage, and enhances work capacity. Mars keeps us fulfilled with encouragement, aggressiveness, and warrior qualities, which is somehow an essential trait for oneself in life to reach our goals.

Astrologically, Coral is advised to heal cough, asthma, swollen glands, hyperacidity, impotence, lung bleeding, anemia, bones, and sexual debility.

DOSHAS : Decreases Vata, Increases Kapha, and harmonises the Pitta

Characteristics and Technical information :

A coral 'group' is a colony of myriad genetically identical polyps. Each polyp is a sac-like animal typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in length. A series of tentacles surround a mouth opening in the middle. Secretion of an exoskeleton may be found close to the base. Because of this, the colony can produce a giant skeleton that is typical to the species over several generations. Individual heads grow by asexual reproduction of polyps.

Corals also breed sexually by spawning: polyps of the same species release gametes simultaneously over one to several nights around a full moon. The Persian polymath Al-Biruni (d. 1048) classified sponges and corals as animals, arguing that they respond to touch.

Refractive Index : 1.48-1.65
Hardness : 3-4 on Moh scale
Specific gravity : 2.68

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/coral-2/feed/ 0 101677
PEARL https://pushyarkagems.com/product/pearl-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/pearl-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:51:55 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101676


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A pearl is a hard glistening object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk or another animal, such as a conulariid. Just like the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is composed of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers. The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes, known as baroque pearls , can occur. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries. Because of this, pearl has become a metaphor for something rare, fine, admirable and valuable. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild, but are extremely rare. PUSHYARKA has sufficient stock of natural and x ray tested pearls.

Category: Tag:

Benefits of wearing Pearl :
Pearl is an organic stone used to remedy the weak Moon in Vedic Astrology. Wearing a pearl gemstone enhances self-confidence. Those who are struggling with mental stress should wear pearl gemstones. Pearl gemstone is considered highly beneficial in the pain of mental peace. Moon mirrors the human mind. Pearl is not only a piece gem, but it is a reliable storehouse of positive feelings and goodwill.

Pearl is good for promoting body fluids and blood and nourishing the body tissues and nerves. Its energy strengthens the female reproductive system, improves fertility, and calms emotions. Moreover, it plays a prominent role in uniting its carrier with spirituality—Moon Rules the Cancer sign or cancer ascendant. It is usually set in silver and worn on the ring finger or little finger.

Pearl Ash (Mukta Bhasma) is said to be the tonic, alternative sedative, nervine and antacid. Pearl Ash is used for hyperacidity, ulcers, epistaxis, hemoptysis, liver and kidney ailments, nerve excitability, and hysteria and is as good as a general tonic for females and infants.

ELEMENTS : Water, Earth, and Ether.
DOSHAS : Increases Kapha and decreases Pitta and Vata.

Characteristics and Technical information :
Natural pearls are nearly 100% calcium carbonate and conchiolin. Natural pearls are believed to form under a series of accidental conditions when a microscopic intruder or parasite enters a bivalve mollusk and settles inside the shell.
The mollusk, irritated by the intruder, forms a pearl sac of external mantle tissue cells and secretes the calcium carbonate and conchiolin to cover the irritant. This secretion process is repeated many times, thus producing a pearl. Natural pearls come in many shapes, with perfectly round ones comparatively rare.

A pearl is a hard glistening object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk or another animal, such as a Conulariida. Just like the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is composed of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers.

The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes, known as baroque pearls, can occur. The finest quality natural pearls have had high value as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries. Because of this, the pearl has become a metaphor for something rare, fine, admirable, and valuable. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild but are extremely rare. PUSHYARKA maintains sufficient stock of natural and x-ray-tested pearls.

Refractive index : 1.530 – 1.685.
Hardness : 3.5 – 4. On Mohs scale
Specific gravity is 2.65-2.85

More Information:
Today, cultivated or farmed pearls from pearl oysters and freshwater mussels make up most of those currently sold. Still, these are not considered Astrology or Ayurveda Grade, as culturing the pearl includes harsh chemical treatment. Previously, natural pearls were found in many parts of the world. Present-day natural pearling is confined mostly to seas off Bahrain. Australia also has one of the world's last remaining fleets of pearl diving ships.
Australian pearl divers dive for south sea pearl oysters to be used in the cultured south sea pearl industry. The catch of pearl oysters is similar to the number of oysters taken during the natural pearl days. Hence significant numbers of natural pearls are still found in the Australian Indian Ocean waters from wild oysters. An X-ray examination is required to verify natural pearls found today positively.

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/pearl-2/feed/ 0 101676
Ruby https://pushyarkagems.com/product/ruby-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/ruby-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:50:36 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101675


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Ruby is a powerful gemstone that strengthens the will, promotes independence, gives insights, and enhances power. It’s said to bring joy, peace, and serenity. If you’re looking for a stone to help you manifest your goals, this is the one!

Benefits of wearing Ruby :
Ruby gemstone is ruled by the Sun, which is worn to make it strong in the horoscope as it draws inspiration from the Sun. The Sun heads the planetary system. Sun is the primary energy source and the soul of our solar system. Wearing a ruby stone is the best remedy for those with a weak-positioned Sun in their horoscope. Ruby gemstone is highly efficient for people aspiring for a political or administrative career. Sun has the lordship of Leo sign ( Simha Rashi or Lagna).

Ruby is used in astrology to strengthen the heart, improve digestion, promote circulation, review the fire, and increase energy. Ruby Strengthens the will, promotes independence, gives insights, and enhances power. It is usually set in 18 Ct gold with a mixture of copper on the right-hand ring finger. Ruby ash ( Manikya Bhasma) is also used in Ayurveda to cure many diseases.
It is regarded as a stimulant uneven and heart tonic for the weakness of the heart and nerves and general debility. Before wearing an Astrology grade ruby gemstone, one must adequately consult a good astrologer since it can have positive and negative effects depending upon the position of the Sun in the birth chart.
ELEMENTS: Fire air and ether
DOSHAS: Increases Pitta and decreases the Kapha and Vata

Characteristics and Technical information :
Ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone. The brightest and most valuable shade of red, called blood-red or pigeon blood, commands a significant premium over other rubies of similar quality. Ruby Belongs to the mineral family of corundum. The chemical composition of ruby is aluminum oxide.

Different varieties of gem-quality corundum are called Sapphires. Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, with amethyst, sapphire, emerald, and diamond. Ruby is called Manikya or Padmaraga in Sanskrit. The color of a ruby is due to the element chromium.

The quality of a ruby is determined by its color, cut, and clarity, which, along with carat weight, determines its value. After color follows clarity: Clear stone will command a premium, but a ruby without any needle-like rutile inclusions may indicate that the stone has been treated. Ruby is the traditional birthstone for July, as per western belief. But Vedic astrology suggests thoroughly analyzing the horoscope to wear the gem, Ruby. However, a minimum color saturation must be met to be called a ruby; otherwise, the stone will be called a pink sapphire.
Hardness: 9 on Moh Scale
Specific Density: 3.97-4.05
Refractive Index: 1.768-1.772

More Information:
For centuries, the Mogok Valley in Upper Myanmar (Burma) was the world's primary source of rubies. That region has produced some exceptional rubies. However, in recent years few good rubies have been found. RATNAGARBHA has a good amount of Mogok Rubies stock.

Historically, rubies have also been mined in Thailand, in the Pailin and Samlout District of Cambodia, as well as in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Namibia, Japan, and Scotland. Generally, gemstone-quality corundum in all shades of red, including pink, are called rubies. In Sri Lanka, lighter shades of rubies are often found, called pink sapphires. Except for Old Burma (Mogok) and Mozambique rubies, we found most of the other mines' gemstones are heated or color treated. But if you are searching for untreated rubies, you can buy Unheated astrology-grade Rubies at PUSHYARKA

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/ruby-2/feed/ 0 101675
BLUE SAPPHIRE https://pushyarkagems.com/product/blue-sapphire-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/blue-sapphire-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:49:19 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101674


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Blue Sapphire is considered as one of the most powerful stones for increasing energy and vitality. It is also used to attract love and prosperity. It is also believed that blue sapphire enhances mental clarity, relieves anxiety, boosts self-esteem and increases one’s self-confidence. It is said that wearing this stone will help you overcome any obstacles in your life.

Benefits of wearing Blue Sapphire :
People have utilized blue Sapphire Gemstones for various purposes since ancient times. The blue color effective sapphire stone has been associated with several myths and traditions since ancient times. According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn is a karmic planet related to hard work and hard-working people.
Blue Sapphire is immensely effective in strengthening a weak Saturn's position in a horoscope, which may result in various issues about one's health, wealth, personal life & professional career. Mostly, Blue Sapphire gemstone is worn by people in the technology, mechanical, and engineering industries. Blue Sapphire stands out among the most delightful, sought, and calming gemstones of all circumstances.
Blue Saphire comes in different shades: Cornflower Blue, Royal Blue, Deep Sea Blue, and Vivid Blue. Ayurveda uses Blue Sapphire ash as an Antiseptic. It is suitable for arthritis, rheumatism, fevers, infections, nerve pain, and paralysis.
Energy : Cold
Elements : Ether, Air
Dosas : Decreases the Pitta and Kapha, increases the Vata
Characteristics and Gemological information :
Blue Sapphire is a precious gemstone of a variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminum oxide (α-Al 2O 3). Vedic astrology has considered the lustrous glittering Blue color sapphire is the best among the blue sapphires. It is called Indra Neela. A Blue color transparent Sapphires are mined from alluvial deposits or primary underground workings.
Geographically sapphires from Kashmir, Burma, and Srilanka are radiant. Blue Sapphires from different geographic locations may have other appearances or chemical-impurity concentrations and tend to contain different types of microscopic inclusions. Because of this, sapphires can be divided into three broad categories: classic metamorphic, non-classic metamorphic or magmatic, and classic magmatic.
Refractive Index : 1.768-1.772
Hardness : 9 on Moh’s scale
Specific gravity : 4.0~4.1
More Information:
Wearing treated gemstones is forbidden according to Vedic astrology. 95% of the sapphires in the world have been heated to improve their inherent color and brilliance. When high temperatures are employed, the stone loses all silk (inclusions), becomes transparent, and the elemental chemical makeup of the gemstone is lost.
This is accomplished by heating the sapphires in furnaces for several hours at temperatures ranging from 500 to 1,800 °C (932 to 3,272 °F) or heating in a nitrogen-deficient environment oven for seven days or longer. The stone's color becomes more dazzling after heating, yet natural stone inclusions are seen with an eye loop.

Heating sapphire and other gemstones have been documented since at least Roman times. Unheated natural stones are uncommon, and they are often offered with a certificate from an independent gemological laboratory attesting to 'no indication of heat treatment.

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/blue-sapphire-2/feed/ 0 101674
WHITE SAPPHIRE https://pushyarkagems.com/product/white-sapphire-2/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/white-sapphire-2/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:47:56 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101673 White sapphire is considered to be the most valuable gemstone among all others and is used to create jewelry for both men and women. It is believed to have medicinal properties as well. It is said to improve memory and intellect. It is also used to treat eye problems like glaucoma and cataracts.



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White sapphire is considered to be the most valuable gemstone among all others and is used to create jewelry for both men and women. It is believed to have medicinal properties as well. It is said to improve memory and intellect. It is also used to treat eye problems like glaucoma and cataracts.

Benefits of wearing White Sapphire :
As per Vedic astrology, White sapphire or Shweta Pushyaraga is a precious gemstone and an effective remedy for the planet Venus. If your horoscope has a good Venus position, but still you are not getting the desired results from planet Venus, you should wear White Sapphire.
This gemstone is ruled by the planet Venus, which is a significator for Marriage, sex life, and pleasure. This precious gemstone mystically enhances a woman's beauty, sharp features, and fair complexion. An Astrology grade white sapphire gives the wearer more confidence, especially those people who are inclined to turn their dreams into reality.
After wearing a diamond, a person will have improved, and generous thoughts and also vanish evil and fearful thoughts. WHO SHOULD WEAR DIAMOND People in professions like language, speaking, poetry, politics, media, sports, film industry, magic, entertainment, and similar fields can wear white sapphire for more benefits. People involved in business in imagination, jewelry, silk, cosmetics, and sex products can wear white sapphire for business success.
Diamonds or white sapphires are also popular among those involved in professions related to luxury items, travel, science, astrology, agriculture, mathematics, law, and chocolates.
ENERGY: Slightly cooling
Elements: Ether, Water
Dosas: Decreases Vata and Pitta but increases Kapha
Characteristics and Gemological information :
White Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminum oxide (α-Al 2O 3). Vedic astrology has considered the lustrous glittering white color sapphire is the best among the white sapphires. It is called Shweta Pushyaraga. An ice-white transparent Sapphires are mined from alluvial deposits or primary underground workings.
White Sapphires from different geographic locations may have other appearances or chemical-impurity concentrations and tend to contain different types of microscopic inclusions. Because of this, sapphires can be divided into three broad categories: classic metamorphic, non-classic metamorphic or magmatic, and classic magmatic. Geographically sapphires from Srilanka are radiant compared to other mines.
More Information:
Wearing treated gemstones is forbidden according to Vedic astrology. When high temperatures are employed, the stone loses all silk (inclusions), becomes transparent, and the elemental chemical makeup of the gemstone is lost.
This is accomplished by heating the sapphires in furnaces for several hours at temperatures ranging from 500 to 1,800 °C (932 to 3,272 °F) or heating them in a nitrogen-deficient environment oven for seven days or longer. 95% of the sapphires in the world are heated to improve their inherent color and brilliance. The stone's color becomes more dazzling after heating, yet natural stone inclusions are seen with an eye loop. Heating sapphire and other gemstones have been documented since at least Roman times.
Unheated natural stones are uncommon and often offered with a certificate from an independent gemological laboratory attesting to 'no indication of heat treatment.' PUSHYARKA GUARANTEES THAT UNHEATED STONES ARE CERTIFIED BY THE WORLD'S MAJOR GEMOLOGICAL LABORATORIES.
https://pushyarkagems.com/product/white-sapphire-2/feed/ 0 101673
Emerald https://pushyarkagems.com/product/emerald-excellent-copy/ https://pushyarkagems.com/product/emerald-excellent-copy/#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 00:43:19 +0000 https://waiserver1.net/pushyarkagems/?post_type=product&p=101672


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This stone boosts intellect in students. Students who wore emerald-studded finger rings and pendants did better in school. It has increased their grasping skills and helped them perform well in tests. According to vedic astrology, emerald is regulated by Mercury, which regulates the brain’s nerves and intelligence.

Benefits of wearing an Emerald :
The stone is a miracle for people who are having problems concentrating. This stone is a boon for students as it helps them to enhance their intelligence. Even weak students have seen tremendous improvement in studies after wearing emerald-embedded finger rings and pendants.

It has significantly improved their grasping power and helped them do exceptionally well in exams. As per Vedic astrology, the leaf color emerald is ruled by planet Mercury, which governs the nerves of the brain and intellect. Emerald calms mental agitation, regulates the nervous system, helps stop nerve pain, and improves speech and intelligence emerald promotes healing and energizes the breath, strengthens the lungs, and increases the flexibility and adaptability of the mind.

It is a harmonizing stone good for cancer and other digestive diseases. As per Ayurveda, emerald ash is nervine, alterative, and tonic. It is suitable for Asthma, ulcers, skin diseases, fevers, and infections and as a tonic for children.

Characteristics and Gemological information :
Emeralds, like all colored gemstones, are graded using four basic parameters–the four Cs of connoisseurship: color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Usually, in grading colored gemstones, color is by far the most crucial criterion. However, in the grading of emeralds, clarity is considered a close second.

A fine emerald must possess a pure verdant green hue, as described below, and a high degree of transparency to be considered a top gem. In gemology,[ color is divided into three components: hue, saturation, and tone. Emeralds occur in shades ranging from yellow-green to blue-green, with the primary tint necessarily green. Yellow and blue are the standard secondary hues found in emeralds.

Only gems that are medium to dark in tone are called emeralds; light-toned rocks are known instead by the green beryl species. The finest emeralds are approximately 75% on a scale where 0% tone is colorless, and 100% is opaque black. In addition, a fine emerald will be saturated and have a bright hue (vivid). Gray is the standard saturation modifier or mask found in emeralds; a grayish-green hue is a dull-green hue.

PUSHYARKA has the best collection of good color, luster, and clarity emeralds.
Refractive Index : 1.564-1.595
Hardness : 7.5-8 on Moh’s scale
Specific Gravity : 2.76

More Information:
The use of oil is traditional and broadly accepted by the gem trade. Other treatments, for example, green-tinted oil, are not acceptable in the business and by the Vedic Astrology. Gems are graded on a four-step scale; none, minor, moderate, and highly enhanced. These categories reflect levels of enhancement, not clarity.

A gem graded none on the enhancement scale may still exhibit visible inclusions. Laboratories apply these criteria differently. Some gemologists consider the mere presence of oil or polymers to constitute enhancement. Others may ignore traces of oil if the company of the material does not improve the look of the gemstone. None of the minor treated stones are accepted by Vedic Astrology.

Additional information


Black, Brown, Grey

https://pushyarkagems.com/product/emerald-excellent-copy/feed/ 0 101672